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Daily Thoughts for Trying Times


I have a calendar in my kitchen.  It is called "everyday is a holiday".  So this morning, I looked at the week ahead and I got so excited.  I know this sounds a little ridiculous, with the world in this awful pandemic, but you see March 30, is Pencil Day, followed by March 31, National Crayon Day, followed by April 2, National One Cent Day.   


Now for those that know me, you'll remember that 30 years ago, I began lecturing on Everyday Symbols for Joyful Living.  I then wrote a book about the importance of these simple symbols as reminders of the simple things that are important in life.  For me to see three of those symbols celebrated this week, my pencil, crayon and penny, seemed like a sign that it was time for me to write again and hopefully help us get through this scary time.


So in this crazy frightening moment of coronavirus, I suggest we all grab a pencil and use it to help us get through the scary time.  Our feelings are all over the board.  Fear and anxiety feel like they are controlling us.  One of the easiest, quickest and safest ways to release that fear and anxiety is through movement.  And one easy movement is writing!  Write about what your're experiencing and feeling.  Write your fears, demons, anger and frustration.  Document your emotions and experiences.  Journal.  I know the nights can often be very difficult so when you're struggling to sleep, just write it down....  "let it go" as Elsa and Anna might say.  You might even find it helpful to write a family journal.  Role model with your children, or spouse, the importance of expressing and sharing your emotions.  No shame here!  We are all being brave, honest and open about our feelings.  Writing is extremely therapeutic.  Much research has been done on the healing benefits of writing.  Now we all need some healing.


Next, National Crayon Day.  A crayon, often one of the child's favorite tools, can remind us of a few things we can do to help us in this difficult time.   I would suggest you take a few minutes to look at some of the things you and your family are grateful for today.  Perhaps, make a family gratitude chart.  Every day post a few things you are grateful for.  Post it by the front door, make it colorful and exciting.  This is a wonderful family art project.  The children can take the lead because children know how to play and make life colorful.  Sometimes as adults we forget, especially when we're stressed and anxious.  Play with this.  Be wild.  Be colorful.  Color outside the lines.  Make it a fun, amazing artifact.  It is extremely important in this very dark time, to add some light, color and gratitude.  Take pictures of your project and share them with your family and friends.  I know there are so many amazing ways that our can find to be playful during this dark time.  The Chinese character for crisis is actually two is opportunity and one is growth.  This horrible crisis is giving  us the opportunity to grow closer to our family.  Movie night with popcorn, dress up dinners where we take time to listen to music and dance, FaceTime and sing along with friends, read a story long distance with family members who are farther away....The possibilities are endless.


Now we're on April 1, National One Cent Day.  There may be a great deal of anguish in this symbol as we watch the stock market crumble, wondering how we will pay our bills or if we will ever be able to retire.   It certainly makes us reevaluate what is important in life as we look at this life and death situation.  Clearly it's the little things that matter and this penny, little and insignificant, reminds us to value the little, connections, empathy are things you can't put a value on, yet right now feel like the only things that we can control.  They don't cost anything and yet the value cannot be measure.   


It is important to look at what it says on the penny...."In God We Trust".   This is certainly a time to reflect, reconnnect and define what "In God We Trust" means to us.  With places of worship closing to protect their congregations, we need to find new ways to connect with our religious rituals and spiritual side.  Reflection, meditation and prayer need to be come a larger part of the new family ritual.  We know schedules are important at this time, so how about scheduling daily time to meditate or pray as a family?  You can find wonderful apps and meditation for all ages.  Perhaps you have some of your favorite prayers that you can say together as a family.   Or if your spiritual beliefs are more geared towards nature, make sure you as a family get outside and celebrate the gifts that nature gives us.  However your define your spiritual life, trust, have faith and believe that we will get through this much better if we stay connected to the people we love and pass on the little things of caring and kindness from a healthy distance to those around us.


Thank you for listening.  Take care and try to find a little bit of Happiness in today.

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